

The Human Sphere was rocked by the apparent betrayal of the Tohaa backed mercenary company the “Spiral Corps” leading to a calamity which has put the fate of Concilium and perhaps humanity as a whole at risk.  

After the theft of the alien artifact known as the  T’zechi Digester from the secure O-12 research facility “The Penny Arcade”, Bureau Aegis authorities discovered that the Tohaa mercenaries were attempting to smuggle the artifact off Concilium and back through the Daedalus Gate wormhole to Tohaa space. However before the artifact could be securely transferred off planet the operatives transporting it were ambushed by a Combined Army taskforce bent on seizing the powerful artifact for themselves. Rather than risk the Digester falling into the hands of their worst enemy, the Tohaa forces instead triggered the alien artifact to go into active defense mode and detonate. 

The apprent betryal of the Sprial Corps has had devistating consequences for the Human Sphere.

The detonation of the T’zechi Digester led to a catastrophic series of explosions all over Concilium which have created Quantum Anomaly Zones, areas of space where the normal rules of Physics don’t seem to apply. These zones threatened to destabilize the entire planet and it was only due to a surprise last minute intervention from the Combined Army that total disaster was averted. 

The O-12 Security Council  has designated the Spiral Corps as enemies of humanity and Bureau Aegis authorities have authorized all member nations to consider them enemy combatants. How long the remnants of the Spiral Corps can continue to survive when hunted by all sides remains to be seen, however there are many places in the Human Sphere beyond the reach of even O-12 and ALEPH where the services offered by this band of rogue mercenaries will still be in high demand.  

The betrayal of the Spiral Corps has presented a serious problem for Tohaa Trident forces, unaffiliated with the Spiral Corps, who remain active but trapped in the Human Sphere after the destruction of the Daedalus Wormhole.

Forces of the Tohaa Trident continue to operate in increasingly desperate circumstances.

With no way to return home and reinforcements from their home systems not possible, these increasingly isolated military units and their entourages were already in a precarious position before the betrayal of their erstwhile brethren. Tohaa forces have been spotted conducting raids on isolated supply depots and rumors persist that Tohaa bases have been established deep in the Human Edge. 

The future for the Tohaa in the Human Sphere is uncertain and who knows how long they can continue to survive, however as recent events have shown the Tohaa are never to be underestimated.


  • Romiras says:

    And who spurred humanity to fight CA in the first place??

  • DPA says:

    Only Spiral Corps would be stupid enough to try to escape through a wormhole gate that they destroyed….

  • Lady Numiria says:

    Arti-shocked then?

  • McKaptian says:

    I’m shocked, SHOCKED! Well… not that shocked.

  • Epistaxis says:

    The optimist in me hopes that the Tohaa being featured here is a precursor to the model line being revamped, because a man can dream.

  • Epistaxis says:

    Honestly, I’m just happy to see the Tohaa being involved in the lore of the game in any capacity.

  • Lady Numiria says:

    Citizens of the Sphere,

    In the case of recent events, the O-12 asks every Tohaa residents within the Human Sphere to present themselves immediatly to the nearest Bureau Aegis building for a formal clearance routine and background checking. It’s only with the plain cooperation of all that we can assure the security of the Sphere against alien agents of the so called “Spiral Corps”.

    Thank for your understanding and cooperation.

    Lady Numiria
    O-12 High Commissionner of the Edda Defense Front Commission

  • Yolelito says:

    Muerte a los tohaa y sus secuaces jjjjjj

  • Saruor says:

    A great way to avoid having to think about re-releasing Tohaa and Spiral Corps. You just need to destroy them in the human sphere. Tohaa and spiral forever!

  • Luisjoey says:

    Tohaa and all alien are the enemy!

  • Ariez_Obann says:

    #Three the Tohaa! We will survive!

  • Tristan228 says:

    I guess now we know who might’ve stolen the Quantum-Containment Devices…

    But also quite suspicious that exactly a CA taskforce was involved in that explosion…

  • theGricks says:

    Arrested and tried!

  • SpaceRanger says:

    I want to know how the Spiral Core was able to not only find out where it was but also how to steal it right out from O-12 noses! This never would have happened if they used Yu Jing guards!

  • Shiwen says:

    The crimes of the Spiral Corps are evident and undeniable, but the whole of the Tohaa people is not culpable for the actions of a despicable few. It is the StateEmpire’s hope that Tohaa civilians and Trident forces will cooperate with Human Sphere authorities to track down the Spiral terrorists, and in so doing ensure they are protected from misguided elements who judge by race not by actions.

  • Wizzy says:

    Tohaa will survive, it won’t be the first time Tohaa has had to face terrible empires like the Fenrig Empire or the Combined Army, and if we have to buy out the megacorporation corvus belli which is instigating this conspiracy against us, then we’ll raise the necessary funds to buy it out, we have enough socar to do it, be warned. (`ε´)

  • Dhalik Alshaabu says:

    The only good artichoke is a steamed artichoke.