

Welcome to Panorama, your trusted source for news from throughout the Human Sphere. I’m  Vince McMahogany coming to you from an undisclosed secure location for my own safety.

I’ll be bringing you the latest breaking news about the ongoing situation on Concilium Prima and listening very carefully for anyone speaking Japanese nearby.

Our top story tonight:

Worker Protests in Okolnir Lead to Shutdown Of Processing Hub

The recent worker protests in the Okolnir region have led to a shutdown of a major seafood processing hub with shipments of this vital trading commodity being severely disrupted. Several PanOceanian backed businesses in the region appear to have temporarily or permanently suspended their operations and there are rumors indicating that local crime syndicates have conducted hostile takeovers of several business premises.    

What began as simple worker strikes escalated into full blown conflict with local workers unions receiving the support of Ariadna military units who had initially been deployed to the region to assist with QAZ containment efforts. PanOceanian forces who were also deployed in the area were drafted as strikebreakers by the major fish processing conglomerates and running battles broke out amongst the docks and processing plants. 

The situation escalated further when some PanOceanian forces in the region were redeployed to guard facilities in Montalbán which only emboldened the hostile workers. It is understood that there were an unspecified number of casualties on both sides of the dispute based on a message sent by an unidentified Ariadnan commander to their PanOceanian counterpart which was intercepted by our local reporter McKaptain who provided this transcript. 

“I have been authorized to reach out to you concerning the ongoing conflict in Okolnir. The people of Ariadna have established that we will not be moved. The ongoing loss of life serves no interest to you, Panociana, or the Human Sphere. High Command is in agreement that exfiltration corridors should be opened to allow the safe removal of your remaining forces and facilitate the stable transition of management of the processing facilities. No person should have to go hungry in these troubling times. 

Additionally, as an added measure of good faith, all recovered cubes will be delivered to any representative of your choice. Naturally, all casualty reports and cost estimates of collateral damage will be suppressed in an effort to allow you to save face. Additionally, we will provide a premium shipment of fish for your dolphins. Maybe that will buy you some good credit for those allegations of mistreatment. Dues Vult, no?”

Unidentified Ariadnan Commander

With all due respect, it appears the Ariadnan command is all over the place.  I’m not sure if you’ve been told, but there was a major falling out yesterday.  Negotiations are no longer open currently. 

Unidentified PanOceanian Representative

As the situation in Okolnir continued to deteriorate it appears that local PanOceanian commanders decided to cut their losses and redeploy all their remaining units to other locations in the region.

Our reporter Milana Ville was on hand in Okolnir as the last PanOceanian transports left the processing hub docks and provided this report.    

“Its a fine rainy morning for the boys from Dawn!” 

“This is your trusty ever so grumpy news reporter Milana Ville coming to you from Concilium Prima.” *cough!*

“I’m here on Okolnir, It’s absolutely bucketing it down today and I’m currently standing knee deep in turbid flood water. The air smells of salt and fish, I can hear gunshots in the distance as well as what sounds like celebratory howling; it appears that Okolnir Processing Hub is now fully under the control of Ariadnan backed workers.”

*Sounds of half-submerged motorcycle approaching*

“I can see a local motorist coming closer. Excuse me Motorist! Stop! Milana Ville , Panorama News, may I ask you a question?

*Motorist stops, exhaust bubbling. Arms crossed he glares at Milana. Heavy rain is whipping both.*

“You seem to be ecstatic. Your eyes are those of joy. What have the workers achieved here today?”

*Motorist stays silent for a moment.*

“Surströmming, lots of Surströmming”

*Motorist drives away.*

“That’s all from Okolnir today. This is Milana Ville for Panorama.” *sneeze*

Our reporter Milana Ville in action

While the Okolnir processing hub is now firmly in the hands of local workers, a question remains about the safety of the docks for ships from the region’s fishing fleet and cargo transports. The maritime traffic control center for Okolnir is currently under the stewardship of PanOceanian units and whether they will be willing to allow traffic into this unregulated port remains to be seen.

We’ll continue to bring you updates on this story as it develops. For Panorama I’m Vince McMahogany


  • McKaptian says:

    As the Chairman of the United Anglers and Wharfers, I can assure you production will be back to full capacity within the week. With the added bonus of streamlined management and reduced administrative overhead, we will even be able to do so at a reduced cost.

  • Shiwen says:

    Congratulations to Ariadna and the workers of Okolnir on their success against the exploitative working conditions imposed by the so-called ‘Hyperpower’. The StateEmpire looks forward to resumption of seafood exports under more equitable conditions!

    And, should supply be temporarily disrupted in the transition, Yu Jing continues to process a significant supply of megalobster from the recent spawning at New Hypatia which can surely supply any need in the Sphere until Okolnir’s production returns to previous levels!

  • Lady Numiria says:

    While I’m happy to see work rights of foreign workers respected and managed within the limit of the law, I’m a little bit worried about when will the production of food will restart. Any news about that from any Ariadnan representatives as of yet?

  • Wizzy says:


  • thepoorman says:

    Workers of Okolnir rise up! You have nothing to lose but your chains!

  • uberbranchez says:

    Good to see we officially have been granted control over the Processing Hub! For Dawn, it’s Our Okolnir! Ariadnan Workers Union rise up!

  • JamesPrime says:

    Workers rise up

  • Lt.Cuddles says:

    This was a treat, especially the attention to detail