

I'm not going to lose to you or anyone else!

VS Haqqislam

round 1 - JSA

Oyoroi advances and shoots down the turret.
Yojimbo moves forward and dodges a libertos's mine.
Oyoroi moves again, discover and kill libertos.
Yojimbo, under the cover of smoke, drives closer to the enemy deployment. He got spotlight from barid but anyway manages to get into melee with Saladin and kills him. During his charge he was shot from chain rifle, nanopulser, rifle and flash pulse. But somehow made all armor rolls and only ended up stunned.

Oyoroi runs along the flank and discover al'hawwa from camo marker. After that he climb on top of the terrain and kill both al'hawwa and a digger in distance.
After that oyoroi throw both his koalas near barid and falls back.

round 1 - haqqislam

Asawira crawls to the edge of the cliff, but it turns out that there was no way to get Yojimbo.
Barid shoots at Yojimbo, wounds him(!) and passes saves from both koalas(!!).
Muttawi comes up and tries to finish off Yojimbo with chain rifle, but he dodges and moves into the melee with barid hacker.

round 2 - jsa

Yojimbo kills barid hacker and Oyoroi shoots down muttawi.
Yojimbo moves to FO bot and kills it. With no enemies around Yojimbo makes Net-Undermine classify. He moves but suddenly nadhir appears. But Yojimbo was more lucky and he cover enemy in smore. With next order he drives into melee and fininsh off nadhir.
Oyoroi, tries to shoot asawira, but he dodges everything.

round 2 - haqqislam

Farzan moves to JSAs half the table and makes Net-Undermine classify. After that he again enter camo state.
Asawira exchanges fire with the oyoroi but without success for both of them.

round 3 - jsa

After a long gunfight oyoroi finally inflicts 2 wounds to asawira. And with next order finishes him off just to be sure that he will not get up.
After that link moves forward and forward observer complete Telemetry classify on enemy's remote carcass. Finally link shifts to control the HVT.

round 3 - haqqislam

Survived farzan sneaking closer to JSA deployment, trying occupy control the farther zone.


After careful measurement, it appears that link did not move far enough to control central zone and was within closer zone. Because of that farzan can't claim it. Oyoroi and Yojimbo controls farther zone. Also JSA completes 3 missions and Haqqislam only 1.
So final score is 7-1. Survived 200-28.

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4 People Recommended Itami for commendation

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