

A Sticky Situation

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Jager Nadim
VS Nomads

Case File 02 - A Sticky Situation

Going through the data sets of the flight information for clues was like staring at a great tapestry baring my way, and I was looking for a thread I could pull that would unravel it all. The flight information went back far enough to show a number odd private flights, the transfer destinations were odd to be sure, but what really piqued my interest, was that the pilot shouldn't have been flying any ships outside of the direct jurisdiction of one of the Nomad mother ships, but there it was as clear as the waters of Montalban. This time the thread happened to be in the form of a tentacled arm, 8 of them to be precise, and with with the help of a few extra hands I could shake this pilots hands, and ask a few questions.

It should have been a simple job, calling a team coordinating with the evacuation efforts in when they should have been on its sleep cycle, cracking into the lab that housed this pilots tank, asking a few questions and getting out no-one the wiser. Up until the point where we got away, the plan was going smoothly, but things got decidedly rocky when a quantum quake shattered the lab's primary containment, and the whole module began to flood. Knowing the value these uplifted creatures to the Nomads Naami had been working to maintain an alliance with, we made the quick decision to get as many of them out with us as we could. We made our way to the lift as the water rushed in, Neema and her team taking up the left flank, the chaksa team holding the bulk of the modified pilots took up the center, and the Kealtar leading another pod of dolphins up on the right. Offering covert support was an Igao, along with the Liberto who had been working as our subject matter specialist.

Despite the set back it looked like we were about to show our allies, regardless of our small numbers, we could still contribute to their efforts. Just as things looked to be coming up roses, a Bakunin team decided to till that garden. Now at the best of times Bakunin operatives tend to be a bit jumpy, either from all the bio-modifications and military grade combat drugs flowing through their veins, or from regularly having to deal with bio-modified junkies hopped up on military grade combat drugs, but since one of their most fanatical societies recently decided they needed to be in charge of combat operations for the ship? Well, they aren't just jumpy, they are practically leaping. We tried to indicate that we were friendlies, but it seemed that our team could have been mistaken for a Spiral operation, and with the signals of their pilots coming from our positions, it seemed they were taking no chances. A Vertigo Zond and the hacker Uhahu took up their right flank. A team spearheaded by a Vostok, a Moira, and an Orphan of the Observance took the center. On their left the team was rounded out by a Morlock, a Reaktion Zond, Denma Connolly, a moderator, a Salyut, and a Warcor.

Denma and the Morlock raced up unimpeded, throwing smoke all around. Using the cover of this smoke, The Reverend led her team into the lift station, and the Vostok took up a defensive position blocking the entrance nearest to us. The Reaktion relinquished its over watch position and took up a firing position on the corner of the lift to our left.

Knowing the lift was the only way we weren't going to be spending the next several lifetimes under the eye of the Observance, Neema moved up to engage the Reaktion, and luckily downed it with the first exchange.

The Liberto ran up to the Vostok, confusing and distracting the machine long enough for Neema's team to slip past it to down the Orphan. Knowing that stealth was their best option to take out the Vostok, the Kumotail took cover further back as Neema and the Makaul moved into the lift. Neema charged the remote, catching it unaware, managing to damage it in close combat. The Makaul also moved forward and after a moment was able to get in close, and take down the Moira, pouncing on her like some great jungle predator.

With their commander down, the Nomad team was in disarray. The Morlock rushed the Makaul, and fell to his blade. In a moment of berserker fury Denma charged the Makaul as well, going down in the process, but knocking the Makaul out.

The Vostok sought to get away from Neema, but the Liberto jumped into the fight as well, and helped Neema bring it down. The Virtigo advanced, and spotting Kumotail out in the open, atomized her with a well placed missile. Neema faced off against the Virtigo in close combat, and brought down this remote as well.

The path to the lift was clear and our team raced inside. The Longarm moving forward to take a peak at the warcor standing on the roof above, hoping to have its photo taken.

Taking stock of their situation, the remaining Nomads felt they are better off letting us take the lift first.
With the landing zone clear, I boarded the lift along side the rest of the team, and administered a medikit to the Makaul.

With that I took out my monofilament blade, may as well use the time of the lift to recover those cubes to turn over to the Nomads. Through an a few back channels of course, best not to bring any more unwanted attention.

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Jager Nadim


  • Ariez_Obann says:

    nice report, well done brohaa

  • Wizzy says:

    ∩( ・ω・)∩ #threethetohaa #threethetohaa

  • Wizzy says:

    (°∀°)b so nice my brohaa, great stuff and effort.

  • UpirLihi says:

    Chaksa longarm – unbelievable!

  • Nolimon says:

    Excellent report. I love this new Longarm Profile.

  • Jager Nadim says:

    He is going to be famous now.

  • Knyx says:


  • Knyx says:

    Chaksa Longarm of the law. 😛