

Toon Goo Ska supporting Symbiobomb tour

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VS Tohaa

After quiting his IT job at Aksugnut Solutions Ltd, Mihail Nimonenko decided to pursue his artistic passion as musician and founded Toon Goo Ska!
Starting was difficult but with time and passion (and probably some edgy business from his previous boss) he managed to get a puppet master to perform with all his puppets.
After having a proper band, Mihail focused on being the best singer, but the key was having puppets by his side playing and dancing, which allowed Toon Goo Ska to sign a contract as support artitst on the Symbiobomb “The End of the Sphere as We Know it” tour.

The concert had a lot of attendance, both from tohas following Symbiobomb and nomads following Toon Goo Ska, and it was peaceful at the begining…
However, people started slam dancing quite soon and the more they danced the more violent they got, until authorities had to interfere…

Mihail himself loaded his favourite hacking programs into his device and called a group of securitates to help him, whereas a toha delegate who was partying nearby called her own security team

Two opposing music styles

What a surprise! Securitates managed to bring a Szalamandra
Szalamandra ready for battle
Tohas had an HMG on each side and a Kaauri sniper in the central area. Poor little guy, he couldn't even see the big Szalamandra

Who the hell started the crazy slam dance?!?

Why would a humble heckler think Angus started it? Angus never gets intro trouble, doesn't he? lol
Szalamandra pilot wanted to hack a console but the huge weapon disobeyed and started shooting. Why can't I follow the mission?
Defensive bot moved to cover Sukeul advance but wasn't expecting the Kaauri shooting back

Not the best start for Toon Goo Ska supporters!

For some reason, Angus was not the one who started the fight this time and Szalamandra could not focus on the mission, so we don't know yet who's the one to blame for this

Reaktion bot had to be neutralized before reaching the console
Hatail ops easily hacked the console covered by Makaul's eclipse grenades
Hatail found the one to blame and Sukeul shot with full burst, killing it straight away

Team Toha dealt efficiently with the traitor trying to disrupt nomad-toha diplomatic relationships.
Sadly, he was not acting alone, so the search for more traitors went ahead

Who may have a hidden agenda to ruin the Symbiobomb tour?

Heckler somehow knew the traitor wasn't working alone. He has an instinct for troubles and got shot by surprise. A hidden Clipsos revealed!
Heckler cybermasked and became friends with the Clipsos, at least for a few minutes
Heckler realized the business lady was guilty and pulled the trigger on his assault pistol
Unfortunately, he got isolated by the Toha Delegate
Puppet master sent Toon Goo Ska drummer to kill Angus because he knew too much. Monkeybot got distracted by so many targets and couldn't kill anyone

Mihail Nimonenko forces had unveiled a major plot against Symbiobomb and Toon Goo Ska.
What kind of sick mind would want to gather together such antagonistic music styles?
It must have been a business decision. Even if it's bad news, a big diplomatic issue would make people speak about you, wouldn't it?

Toha delegate took care of the Heckler. He had been such a pain in the a**
Makaul from Ectros team led the way throwing eclipse and covering the approach for the Clipsos. Securitates couldn't see anything

Let's agree a solution and upload evidence to Maya (and Arachne, obviously)

Toha seemed too stubborn and did not want to share the success in disassembling the musical mafia, so securitates had to take control of one console where the Clipsos was holding supressive fire

The bald securitate with HMG led the way and left the Clipsos unconcious in a single shot
Securitate paramedic defies the pain inflicted and secures the console on her last effort. She lies unconscious afterwards
This Heckler was not as smart as the other one and decided to protect the console which already belonged to Toha
Szalamandra offers suppressive fire in order to protect tunguskan consoles
A Cube Jagger had been waiting the whole time. He landed and moved hidden by eclipse, hacking 2 consoles and securing all of them for the Toha team

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